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How An Electric Scooter is Relevant in Conquering Your New Year Resolutions

28 Dec 2022

Electric Scooter

Despite the fact that about two-thirds of Indians break their New Year's resolutions every year, millions make them every January 1st. Every year, we start off with the best intentions: Spend less. Lose weight. Save the planet. Take a break from social media. Spend more time with loved ones and so on. Unfortunately, most people end up abandoning their resolutions before January is over. Would you be interested if we told you that electric scooters are a very simple and fun way to keep your resolutions for this year? We are not in a hurry, you can thank us later!

Find out how an electric scooter can help you achieve your goals for 2023.

1). Save The Planet:

Is your primary concern reducing your carbon footprint and helping the environment? Many people think ‘saving the environment’ requires drastic lifestyle changes, but there are simple steps you can take to make an impact. Your new electric scooter will produce ZERO EMISSIONS, so you don't need to do anything!  The switch to EVs can also help save the planet! So, why wait, switch today!

2). Save More Money: 

Using an electric scooter does not cost you a single penny to purchase fuel. While offering the same mileage as a petrol scooter, an electric scooter costs 15% less compared to per litre of petrol. It is more economical to use an electric scooter in the long run. Petrol scooters on an average deliver around 50 to 60 km per litre. This makes it around 2.5 Rs/km, which is too expensive in comparison to electric scooters, the average cost of which is 0.25 Rs/km. Another point for electric scooters.

3). No more Social Media - Take a Screen Break:

Do you spend most of your time watching TV, on your phone, or on your laptop? Binge-watching social media or Netflix is fun, but getting enough physical activity is tough when you're glued to your screen all day. Since many people now work from home or have flexible schedules, making excuses to avoid going out is easier. You can unplug and get some fresh air on an electric scooter without having to deal with most physical discomfort or limitations. Just like your favourite social media app, riding an electric scooter is an absolute blast.  

4). Enjoy Life to the Fullest - Spend More Time with Family and Friends:

Increasingly, people are finding it difficult to enjoy the little things in life as they become disconnected from the present moment. Electric scooters can be helpful in this situation. Spend your commutes enjoying a more fun mode of transportation instead of suffering through traffic jams in your car. The experience of riding your scooter to work is sure to put a smile on your face, and you'll be able to see your city from a whole new perspective.


What if You Already Have an Electric scooter: Your Resolutions Must be Different! 

If you already have an electric scooter, then you are one step ahead, and keeping your electric scooter safe and secure should be one of your goals or resolutions. Here are some points you can consider for your new year resolution.


1). Took Safety Measures:

To keep safe and secure, while riding an e-scooter, you must take some safety tips seriously, like wearing helmets and other essentials while riding, keeping your battery always charged, and away from all flammable materials.

2). Do Regular Maintenance: 

Despite not being mandatory, technical inspections are necessary for electric scooters in order to maintain them and ensure their safety. The scooter should be inspected every 1000 kilometers by an authorized dealer. You should also perform a monthly maintenance ritual on your bike, such as tightening loose screws and lubricating moving parts. Maintaining the scooter in good condition will also require frequent cleaning. 

Doing all the mentioned stuff will keep your electric scooter clear, comfy, and classy for longer.

Keep reading Gemopai blogs to get more useful electric scooter-related tips like this.


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