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Factors to Consider While Buying an Electric Scooter

24 Apr 2023

Electric Scooter

In recent years, electric scooters have become increasingly popular owing to their affordability, convenience, and eco-friendliness.

These scooters are ideal for short commutes and are an excellent alternative to traditional petrol-powered vehicles. Given the vast array of options that exist in the market, selecting the appropriate electric scooter can prove to be a daunting task.

In this blog, we will discuss the various factors you should consider while buying an electric scooter.


Range is the number of kilometres an electric scooter can travel on a single charge. It is an essential factor to consider because it determines how far you can travel on your scooter without needing a recharge. The range of electric scooters varies from model to model, with some models having a range of only a few miles, while others can travel over 50 miles on a single charge. You should choose an electric scooter that has a range that matches your daily commuting needs.


Speed is another crucial factor to consider while buying an electric scooter. Different models of electric scooters have different maximum speeds. You should choose an electric scooter with a speed that matches your commuting needs. If you plan to use your electric scooter for commuting to work or college, a model with a higher speed may be more suitable. However, if you plan to use your scooter for leisurely rides around the neighbourhood, a slower model may be more appropriate.

Motor power:

The motor power of an electric scooter determines how much power the scooter has to propel you forward. A more powerful motor can help you climb hills and overcome obstacles with ease. However, a more powerful motor can also drain the battery faster, reducing the range of the scooter. You should choose an electric scooter with a motor power that matches your commuting needs.

Weight capacity:

The weight capacity of an electric scooter determines how much weight the scooter can carry. You should choose an electric scooter with a weight capacity that matches your body weight or the weight of any items you plan to carry on the scooter. A scooter with a weight capacity that is too low may not be able to support you or your items, while a scooter with a weight capacity that is too high may be unnecessarily heavy.


Portability is an essential factor to consider if you plan to use your electric scooter for commuting or travelling. You should choose an electric scooter that is lightweight and disassemble for transportation. A scooter that is too heavy or bulky may be difficult to carry or store, making it inconvenient for commuting or travelling.

Braking system:

The braking system of an electric scooter is crucial for your safety. You should choose an electric scooter with a reliable and efficient braking system. Different models of electric scooters have different braking systems, such as drum brakes, disc brakes, or regenerative brakes. You should choose a braking system that matches your riding style and the terrain you will be riding on.


The tires of an electric scooter can affect its performance, stability, and comfort. Different models of electric scooters have different tire types, such as solid tires, pneumatic tires, or airless tires. You should choose a tire type that matches your riding style and the terrain you will be riding on. For example, if you plan to ride on bumpy or uneven terrain, pneumatic tires may be more suitable because they offer better shock absorption.


The cost of an electric scooter is another important factor to consider. The features and specifications of an electric scooter can greatly affect its cost, causing a wide range of prices for different models in the market.

You should choose an electric scooter that fits your budget and offers the features and specifications you need for your commuting needs.


The warranty of an electric scooter can provide you with peace of mind and protection against manufacturing defects or malfunctions. You should choose an electric scooter that comes with a warranty that covers a reasonable period and offers adequate coverage for repairs and replacements.

Brand reputation:

Brand reputation is an important factor to consider while buying an electric scooter. You should choose a reputable brand that has a proven track record of producing high-quality and reliable electric scooters. A reputable brand will offer better customer service, support, and after-sales services, ensuring that you have a good experience with your electric scooter.


Buying an electric scooter can be an exciting and challenging experience, but by considering the factors mentioned above, you can make an informed decision and choose an electric scooter that matches your commuting needs, budget, and personal preferences. Remember to take your time, research different models, and read reviews from other users before making a purchase. With the right electric scooter, you can enjoy a fun, convenient, and eco-friendly mode of transportation that is perfect for short commutes and leisurely rides.

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