FairView Ave, El Monte
California 91732
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Monday to Friday 7:00 - 21:00 Saturday 7:00 - 16:00
(+88) 0172 570051
(+88) 0172 570051

Electric Scooter
20 Jan 2023

How Exactly Do Electric Scooters Save the Environment?

Electric scooters save the environment by producing zero emissions at the tailpipe. Dig here to know more on how e scooters save environment!

Electric Scooter
28 Dec 2022

How An Electric Scooter is Relevant in Conquering Your New Year Resolutions

Would you be interested if we told you that electric scooters are a very simple and fun way to keep your resolutions for this year? We are not in a hurry, you can thank us later!

Electric Scooter
17 Dec 2022

Is Buying An Electric Scooter Feasible In India

Planning to buy an electric scooter, but confused about if buying an electric scooter will be feasible or not? Dig this blog to get the answer by understanding how an e-scooter affects daily life.

Electric Scooter
15 Dec 2022

How Much Does an Electric Battery Cost

Actually, the battery's power is the most important factor in determining its price. It is the battery of an electric scooter that determines how far it can travel on a single charge.

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